Sustainable agriculture: respect for land and health

Sustainability is the first and most important of the values that guide our activity.

Respect for the environment underpins every stage of the Naturosa chain and implies a constant and continuous commitment on the part of all members.

The company applies a series of measures for environmentally friendly agriculture in its production processes, from the use of solar panels for energy, controlled disposal of packaging, processing waste and roofing plastics, to the recycling of rainwater and the use of digital fertilisation techniques.

In addition to the measures already taken, we are working on future projects that will increase the company's commitment to sustainable agriculture. These include:

Go Abiomed project: involves the use of natural substances and microorganisms in horticulture for the sustainable production of functional vegetables;

Go Agrifly project: envisages the use of innovative rootstocks to improve the qualitative-quantitative aspects of horticultural production and the efficient use of water resources;

Homogenised Products Project: involves the processing of fruit and vegetables into homogenised products;

Biochar project: involves the restraint of agricultural production waste to obtain a soil improver.