We are on the market with the best Sicilian agricultural products

The experience and commitment that characterise our work have enabled us to become one of the largest producers in Southern Italy today, consolidating our presence not only in the Italian fruit and vegetable market but also in foreign markets.

From the heart of Sicily, our fruit and vegetable products reach Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, France, the United Kingdom and Poland, to be enjoyed in all their freshness and genuineness.

Although most of our production is destined for general markets and wholesalers, an increasing percentage is destined for large-scale distribution.

We are well present on the consumer market with a series of activities aimed at large-scale retail trade, such as setting up corners in shops and tasting corners, distributing brochures, and participating in trade fairs.

AbioMed, through its Naturosa brand, offers its commercial partners a very wide range of products, rich in the most popular Sicilian specialities on the market.

Our production capacity, combined with great flexibility and organisational efficiency, allows us to promptly interpret market dynamics and consumer needs.

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